Great food for the many: the Berlin method

Kantine Zukunft supports Berlin’s public catering sector in achieving greater sustainability and appeal. This work is based on the „Berlin method“. It outlines ten principles for enhancing canteen kitchens and guides the way to sustainable communal catering and a new cafeteria culture.

Unprocessed, plant-based ingredients form the foundation of canteen meals – in particular vegetables.

A versatile range of grains, legumes and potatoes provides nourishment and sustenance.

Fish, meat and dairy products are valuable additions.

Dishes rely on culinary craftsmanship, freshness and simplicity. Wherever possible, whole foods are preferred over pre-processed ingredients.

The menu reflects the current season and the region around Berlin.

Without reinventing the wheel! Canteen classics can be reinterpreted to reflect contemporary trends resulting in a modern, target-group oriented menu.

The guests‘ desire for delicious food is the primary objective and met with an understanding of the health and ecological consequences of nutrition.

The ratio of organic ingredients is significantly increased within the existing budget and linked to a fundamental enhancement of the food offer.

Canteens operate cost-consciously: in menu planning and recipe development, calculations are made pointedly, a lean offering and delicious meals reduce food waste.

The Berlin method initiates transformation processes. Kantine Zukunft supports this development by providing an external perspective, practical support in the kitchens, innovative tools and know-how.

Jetzt erhältlich: Das Kantine-Zukunft-Kochbuch „Currywurst und Grünzeug – Rezepte für die Kantine von Morgen“

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